Finch & Heron Interiors provides a bespoke experience with a suite of services tailored to your project’s needs.

We specialize in new-builds and full-scale reNOVATIONs.

new construction

Full design of the interior - from the floorboards to the rafters - directly shapes your experience of a space. Our holistic approach ensures each detail is considered and each decision enhances the architecture, landscape, and your lived experience.

full-scale Renovations

With a vison from concept to completion and the technical skills to communicate the vision to the build team, we oversee all the details, working closely with the craftspeople to ensure stunning results.


We research and vet the companies we source from to ensure the products that will grace your home are of the highest quality and will add positively to your story. Supporting local makers and companies with similar core values of quality, sustainability, fair trade, and social responsibility empowers skilled artisans and gives the design special context and meaning as we pass on the stories behind each unique piece.

design for Wellness

We are fascinated by the design principles at work in the natural world and apply them in intentional ways to delight our Clients. We take inspiration from location to ground each home to the land it rests on and apply biophilic and sustainable design principles to encourage restorative interaction with nature and minimize environmental impact.

experience the transformative power of design

What our clients are saying

“It’s perfect, we wouldn’t change a thing!”

- J

“The way it flows… we’re so glad we did it!”

- K